Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 1: Week with the Kids

In case you missed the intro, Day 0: Week with the Kids.

Saturday.  Also known in our house as 'The Only Day That Daddy Gets to Sleep In'.  Well, Cathy left at 5am and at 5:05 Julie wakes up crying, already missing Mommy.  She apparently woke up, saw her alarm clock said 5am and remembered that Mommy was leaving at 5.  So, I brought her back to my room and we slept until 8.  When David woke up he also missed Mommy, but was more concerned about telling me his BaBa (his blanket that he sleeps with) had fallen back behind his bed.  Then remembering his Mommy was gone, he asked if we could pray for her while she was on her trip.  I said that was a great idea, so we prayed for her right then and there for her safety and that she would be successfull in teaching the children how to use puppets to tell others about Jesus.  After praying Julie asked, 'Mommy can do puppets?'.

This morning was the last T-Ball game for Julie and David.  There actually wasn't a game, but they handed out their trophies.

Juile has just hit one all the way to the grass

David is preparing to hit the ball in the hit and throw contest (look at that focus)

Julie and David get their T-Ball Trophies

In the evening, I let my parents watch the kids while I went to the Casting Crowns concert in Bristol.  One word.  AWESOME!!  The concert wasn't as long as I thought it would be, so after we got home, we went to see the Kingsport fireworks.  The kids seemed to have a good time, however by then it was late and I had two sleepy kids on my hands.

Stay tuned for Day 2!

Day 0: Week with the Kids

Tally for the week:
Number of times that I was told 'Mommy doesn't do it that way': 1
Number of doughnuts eaten: 2
Number of trips to the doctor/ER: 0
Number of times snuggled: 3
Number of times hearing 'Daddy?': 5 (this number is probably too low)
Number of times hearing 'Where's Mommy?': 4
Number of times hearing 'When's Mommy coming home?': 2
Number of times Mommy was missed: 3 (spoken, 1 mazillion unspoken)
Number of fights between kids: 1
Number of hours kids have played computer: 1
Number of hours kids have watched tv: 0 (unless you count the 3 while at Mamaw's)


Anonymous said...

You left off "Number of times eating at McDonald's" on your tally list...

Cathy said...

I miss you guys too. Julie had been wanting to see fireworks forever. I'm glad she got too. I hope to update my blog too. I love you , Tim, Julie and David!!!