Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 7: Week with the Kids

In case missed yesterday's saga, Day 6: Week with the Kids.

Friday. Today was reserved for another play a little/clean a little day.  We tackled each of the kids rooms, cleaned the bathrooms and took the recylables to the recycling center.

Julie's Room Before

Julie's Room After

David's Room Before

David's Room After

Garage Before

Garage After

In the evening, we met up with my family to finally celebrate my dad's birthday (with all of the kid's parties and holiday, we hadn't been able to celebrate).  We ate at a Mexican restaurant in Blountville and then had cake and ice cream at my parents house.

Tally for the week:

Number of times that I was told 'Mommy doesn't do it that way': 2
Number of doughnuts eaten: 8
Number of trips to the doctor/ER: 0
Number of times snuggled: 25
Number of times hearing 'Daddy?': 40 (this number is probably too low)
Number of times hearing 'Where's Mommy?': 4
Number of times hearing 'When's Mommy coming home?': 8
Number of times Mommy was missed: 14 (spoken, 1 mazillion unspoken)
Number of fights between kids: 9
Number of hours kids have played computer: 6
Number of hours kids have watched tv: 3
Number of kids movies/shows watched: 5
Number of times eating out: 2
Number of holes of golf played: 0
Number of holes of golf that will be played the week Cathy gets back: 18+

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