Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 5: Week with the Kids

In case missed yesterday's saga, Day 4: Week with the Kids.

Wednesday. This morning we decided to venture out to the Y.  Since I hadn't been to the Y in about 4 weeks, I had to spend several minutes convincing them that I was still a member (not really, but I was afraid that it might happen).  While we were there, Julie read an entire Cam Jansen book.

One of the things the kids have been looking forward to all week has been a trip to the library where a Magician was to perform.  He was very entertaining and the kids loved it!

Julie and David waiting anxiously for the magic show.

A picture of the Magician (it didn't turn out, I guess that's why he said no flash photography).

The biggest news of the day came after we checked the mail.  We got an ad from a car dealership which had a $25,000 scratch off lottery game.  I got the kids to help me scratch it and low and behold our numbers matched making us a winner (which I'm sure we were the ONLY person receiving the mailing that won).  All we have to do is show up at the dealership to claim our prize.  So, we're all very excited to go claim our prize (I've already prepared the kids that this is a gimmick).

Thanks to some coupons the kids got from VBS, we went to Zaxby's for dinner and had a good time.

When we got home, we were able to video chat with Mommy over Skype.

The kids always love to have a "movie night".  So when it came time to exchange one of our Blockbuster movies, I let the kids choose one.  They chose 'Bolt', since they saw it playing in Blockbuster the other day.  So far it's been a little confusing for the kids to understand that the character Bolt is an actor in a tv show within the movie.  And the plot line goes between showing Bolt as part of the tv show and then outside of the tv show.  Very confusing for someone who really gets into a movie as if it were real and then it isn't.

Day 0: Week with the Kids

Tally for the week:

Number of times that I was told 'Mommy doesn't do it that way': 2
Number of doughnuts eaten: 8
Number of trips to the doctor/ER: 0
Number of times snuggled: 15
Number of times hearing 'Daddy?': 25 (this number is probably too low)
Number of times hearing 'Where's Mommy?': 4
Number of times hearing 'When's Mommy coming home?': 8
Number of times Mommy was missed: 10 (spoken, 1 mazillion unspoken)
Number of fights between kids: 6
Number of hours kids have played computer: 5
Number of hours kids have watched tv: 3
Number of kids movies/shows watched: 5
Number of times eating out: 2
Number of holes of golf played: 0
Number of holes of golf that will be played the week Cathy gets back: 18+

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