Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 3: Week with the Kids

In case missed yesterday's saga, Day 2: Week with the Kids.

Monday.  Today started off really weird as David actually slept in longer than Julie, was there a blue moon last night?  This morning Julie had her piano lesson.  While she was practicing, David and I sat outside in the shade and read Thomas the Train: There's a Crack in the Track and Clifford Happy Mother's Day.

After piano, we a little time to play at the house before heading over to Uncle Clay and Aunt Laura's house.  We had a great time there eating burgers and hot dogs and then heading over to their pool for a good long swim.  I didn't actually see much of the swimming, because I was the target of what seemed like a never ending stream of kids jumping into the pool.  There were actually only 2 kids, but my eyes were constantly being splashed with water.  We also got to see Grandma while we were there, so a good time was had by all.

For dinner, I had promised the kids I'd take them to a restaurant of their choice (which I was hoping they wouldn't say McDonald's).  I told them to think it over while I took a quick cat nap (swimming for hours on end can make a daddy very tired).  When they woke me (which I had asked them to do), I asked what they had decided on (the decision had to be unanimous) and they had chosen Cracker Barrel.  David had his usual, pancakes, but this time he asked for 2 instead of his usual 1.  He ended up eating all but a few bites!  Julie had a craving for potatoes, so she got mashed potatoes with her grilled cheese.  She, as usual, ate everything on her plate.  She asked, 'Why don't we have mashed potatoes at home?'.  To which I replied, 'Mommy doesn't like mashed potatoes'.  Then she proceeded to tell me in great detail her plan to prepare mashed potatoes this week while Mommy was gone.

After dinner, we had some car troubles on our way home.  Luckily, we were right in front of a Sonic where we could pull over to investigate.  As it turns out, the it was just a 'Low Milkshake' warning and we were able to fix that straight away and be on our way home.

Sorry, no pictures today, we were just too busy to stop and take any.

Day 0: Week with the Kids
Day 1: Week with the Kids
Day 2: Week with the Kids

Tally for the week:
Number of times that I was told 'Mommy doesn't do it that way': 2
Number of doughnuts eaten: 8
Number of trips to the doctor/ER: 0
Number of times snuggled: 10
Number of times hearing 'Daddy?': 15 (this number is probably too low)
Number of times hearing 'Where's Mommy?': 4
Number of times hearing 'When's Mommy coming home?': 6
Number of times Mommy was missed: 6 (spoken, 1 mazillion unspoken)
Number of fights between kids: 4
Number of hours kids have played computer: 3
Number of times eating out: 1
Number of holes of golf played: 0
Number of holes of golf that will be played the week Cathy gets back: 18+

1 comment:

Cathy said...

You forgot to put "No of hours kids watched TV." That was a category the first day. Hmmm, should I read something into that. I miss you guys!